
If Youre Happy And You Know It | if you happy | clap your hands | kids songs | kindergarten

2016-12-15 7 Dailymotion

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(a) Album: Ultimate Nursery Rhymes Vol 1 - 30 Rhymes @ $5.99 \r
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(c) Album: Nursery Rhymes Vol 2 - 16 Rhymes @ $3.99 \r
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Clap your hands, stomp your feet and stay fit! Happiness is best when shared. Sing the if youre happy and you know it rhyme because we know the little treehouse animals make you happy. Dont forget to invite all your friends because wed love to see all you toddlers clap your hands and stomp your feet. The treebies are already on it, so hurry up kids!\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Clap your hands,\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Clap your hands,\r
If Youre happy and you know it and \r
You really want to show it \r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Clap your hands.\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Stamp your feet,\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Stamp your feet,\r
If Youre happy and you know it and\r
You really want to show it\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Stamp your feet.\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Shout hurray!\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Shout hurray!\r
If Youre happy and you know it and\r
You really want to show it\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Shout hurray!\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Snap your fingers,\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Snap your fingers,\r
If Youre happy and you know it and\r
You really want to show it\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Snap your fingers.\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Do all 4!\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Do all 4!\r
If Youre happy and you know it and\r
You really want to show it\r
If Youre happy and you know it\r
Do all 4!\r
Nursery rhymes accelerate phonemic awareness improving childrens word comprehension, reading and writing skills. Also, nursery rhymes with actions teach children basic skills; boosts memory, listening skills and following directions. This song is great for brain breaks, indoor recess and literacy awareness. Toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten aged children will giggle with joy as they participate in this super simple, easy to learn, nursery rhyme song that makes learning fun and exciting.\r
Little Treehouse is a one stop shop for preschoolers to engage in a fun 3D animated learning experience with our little treehouse inhabitants, whom we adoringly call Treebies. The main focus of this channel is to help teach your little ones about the basics: \r
1. Nursery Rhymes / Songs (Logic, music)\r
2. Shapes\r
3. Colours\r
4. Numbers\r
5. Letters\r
6. Fables and original stories\r
.. and much much more! New content is uploaded weekly. We hope you like our content but are always happy to hear from you on how we can improve and what youd like to see in the pipeline! You can contact us through the various social media channels listed below. \r
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